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Category: Adult Apparel + Boutiques

Shop until you drop at these local boutiques near you.

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HoneyBeeMelon Etsy Shop

Discover the charm of Lakeland, Florida with our exclusive merch available on Etsy! From trendy tees to cozy mugs, there’s something for everyone.

Adult Apparel + Boutiques | Gift + Home Stores
Top Buttons

Top Buttons is a boutique open for public shopping with both NEW and gently used thrift items. The Boutique proceeds help fund the Wearing Confidence Program to promote positive body image, healthy self-esteem and modesty among young women.

Top Buttons accepts quality new or used clothing items and accessories for females including: Pre-teen, teen, adult, maternity and plus sizes, shoes, handbags, scarves, belts, and jewelry

Adult Apparel + Boutiques | Consignment + Thrift Stores | Donation Locations
236 North Kentucky Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33801
135 East Main Street, Bartow, Florida 33830
226 West Central Avenue, Winter Haven, Florida 33880