Archery Ranges + Archery Clubs in Lakeland and Polk County
Test your aim with a trip to the archery range, or if you’re a regular archer, find a local archery club to join. Below you’ll find local 3-D ranges, practice ranges, and indoor archery ranges in Lakeland + Polk County, FL.
Adventures Archery in Lakeland features an indoor air-conditioned shooting range with 20 lanes for shooting archery. Rental equipment is available. (Call for details on children’s archery. All children under the age of 18 years MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.)
Looking for more things to do inside? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Indoor Activities in Lakeland + Polk County. You’ll find a variety of ideas for things to do with kids including arcades, indoor play areas, museums, skating rinks, trampoline parks, and more.
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Adventures Archery in Lakeland has an indoor archery range that features 20 lanes – 12 for adults and 8 for children. Rental equipment is available. (Note that children must be able to use bow and arrow completely unassisted. ALL children under the age of 18 years MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times). Private lessons and group classes are also available at Adventures Archery for ages 5 & up.
Ridge Archers was established in 1954, and remains one of the longest standing archery clubs in the United States. We exist to foster and perpetuate a spirit of good fellowship among all archers and stimulate the maximum development of the sport. We are located in Lakeland, FL, and are the proud home to a beautiful 3-D range, field range, and practice range at Tenoroc.