Children’s Museums in Lakeland + Central Florida
What’s better than a kids indoor play option that combines fun with learning! These hands-on Children’s Museums will give your kids something to do indoors AND stimulate the brain while they PLAY.
Looking for more things to do indoors? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Indoor Activities in Lakeland + Polk County. You’ll find a variety of ideas for things to do with kids including arcades, indoor play areas, museums, skating rinks, trampoline parks, and more.
HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Children’s Museums Near You.
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The Florida Children’s Museum {formerly Explorations V Children’s Museum} opened in November 2022 at Bonnet Springs Park.