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Category: Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes Lakeland Florida

Cooking Classes in Lakeland and Polk County

What could be better than kids who can help in the kitchen?? Check out this list of cooking classes in Lakeland FL. Our guide includes cooking school for adults as well as cooking lessons for kids.

Check out our Classes + Activities Guide for a full list of activities for kids in Lakeland and Polk County. It includes Youth Sports, Dance, Drama and Theatre, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Music Classes, Scouting and Campfire, STEM Classes, and more.

HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Cooking Classes Near You.

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Books and Cooks

Books & Cooks is a seven-week literacy and nutrition program for select children enrolled in the New Worlds Reading Initiative and their families. Participating families will go home with free books and meal kits each week! Sign up for the New Worlds Reading Initiative or contact your local Books and Cooks educator at for more information.

Cooking Classes | Nutrition
What's Cooking?

What’s Cooking? teaches children the importance of clean eating and cooking from scratch in a peanut free kitchen that caters to everyone’s allergies. Camps and classes are offered to further develop cooking skills and teach children about local foods, restaurants and our natural environment.

Catering + Food Trucks | Cooking Classes | Cooking Parties | Homeschool Enrichment - General
6935 South Carter Road, Lakeland, Florida 33813

Classes + Activities Guide

Check out our Classes + Activities for Lakeland and Polk County to find more extracurricular activities for kids, youth sports, swim lessons, toddler activities, and more.