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Category: Dog Training

Dog Training Near You: Lakeland + Polk County

Find services for your pets and fur babies including veterinarians, dog boarding, groomers, dog parks, doggie daycare, and more.

HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Dog Training Near You.

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Das Hund Haus

Das Hund Haus, Inc offers doggy daycare, boarding, training, group classes, and grooming for all breeds, backgrounds, and temperaments!

Dog Training | Grooming | Pet Boarding + Dog Daycare
3210 Reynolds Road, Lakeland, Florida 33803
Day of the Dog Training

Positive fear/force free dog and cat training for shelter animals and family pets. Training packages available. Certified Professional Dog Trainer.

Dog Training
4230 Live Oak Road, Lakeland, Florida 33813
Until Such Time - Canine Sanctuary

Until Such Time, Inc is a canine sanctuary in Lakeland, FL that specializes in aggressive and behaviorally challenged dogs. We retrain and adopt out all qualifying candidates, and provide a forever home for those that do not qualify.

Dog Training | Pet Adoption Centers + Shelters
3210 Reynolds Road, Lakeland, Florida 33803