Drive-In Movie Theaters in Lakeland + Central Florida
Take chairs or a blanket, or simply pop your back hatch, and enjoy a movie at the drive-in. Inexpensive family fun in an outdoor setting. Silvermoon Drive-In is a Lakeland favorite. Check their website for this week’s movie schedule.
Looking for more things to do outside? Check out our Outdoor Activities Guide for Lakeland + Polk County. You’ll find a variety of ideas for things to do with kids including hiking trails, swimming pools, parks, playgrounds, and more.
HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Drive-In Movies Near You.
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The Silver Moon has two screens usually showing first-run movies. Each screen has a double feature seven nights a week. You’ll enjoy listening to the movie through your FM car radio, but we also have in-car speakers available on some rows. Large pick-ups and vans are encouraged to park to the rear as a courtesy to other patrons. Come early and pick out your favorite spot!