Gymnastics Birthday Parties in Lakeland + Polk County
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At Elite World Gymnastics we offer a program that can meet your child’s and your family’s needs. We have girls’ and boys’ recreational gymnastics for all levels, competition team gymnastics, cheerleading, aerial acrobatics, trampoline, tumbling, and so much more.
Gymtek Gymnastic Center is located in Lakeland since 1987. Serving Polk County, GYMTEK offers gymnastics and cheerleading classes for all ages and abilities. Gymtek offers classes for pre-school age children up to competitive cheerleading and gymnastics teams.
Spirit Gymnastics Sports Academy’s mission is to build and encourage true character in all ages as they learn the sport of gymnastics. Offering Recreational/Team Gymnastics, Summer Camps, After School Care, Birthday Parties, Dance Classes, All Star Cheer Team, Tumbling, and more. HUGS Special Needs classes.