Homeschool Drama and Theater Lessons in Lakeland + Polk County
Below you’ll find a list of homeschool drama lessons, theater classes, and other enrichment during the day for homeschool students.
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HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Homeschool Enrichment – Theater Near You.
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Does your child have a natural glam for the stage or film? Have they expressed wanted to act or perform in any capacity? Are you longing to help them find their voice and gain confidence in themself and public speaking? At Act With Me, kids will have fun and explore. Antonisha Andrews has 10yrs of acting training, 8yrs working professionally in the entertainment industry and she is a Professional Talent Manager with Arcos Management.
After years of performing on the stage and on the screen, Karissa Barber’s practical experience takes learning out of the theoretical and into real life. Private acting coaching (for the stage, film or public speaking) or audition prep sessions (for Harrison or college theatre programs) are available from professional actress Karissa Barber with 14+ years of experience in her home studio in south Lakeland.
Calvary Baptist Church Academy is a K-12 private Christian school and homeschool support group in Lakeland, Florida offering an award-winning fine arts program (choir, band, drama, visual art), junior varsity and varsity sports, and academic record keeping.
Creatively Unhinged Education provides a unique, educational environment for your child to continue learning, ignite a passion for the performing arts, boost self confidence, promote team work and instill a life long love of the arts. We offer a variety of classes as well as an afterschool program, summer camps and homeschool opportunities.
Lakeland Community Theatre boasts a Main Stage season of five high quality productions; The Eunice Fuller Theatre for Youth three show season as well as classes, summer camps, workshops, Master Classes; The Out of the Box Troupe for special needs youth and adults, a Senior Troupe and many special productions and events each year.
Local Community Theatre in Winter Haven, Florida. Each year, Theatre Winter Haven produces a five-play Main Stage subscription season, a two-play Theatre for Young People’s series, a summer musical, two touring productions and a three-play staged reading series called StageRead.
WonderHere is a learn & play studio that offers hands-on homeschool classes, creative extracurriculars, homeschool support, summer and holiday camps, birthday parties, mommy & me toddler classes, & an open studio for free & structured play. The WonderHere Schoolhouse is a small private school for age 4 – 5th grade, founded on the principles of play-based, project-driven, and personalized education. Utilizing our Family-Style™ Schoolhouse model, children are taught core skills and concepts, while also getting the opportunity to explore their own interests with the guidance of teacher mentorship.