Libraries in Lakeland + Polk County
Wondering where the libraries are in Lakeland? We have 3 libraries that are part of the larger Polk County Library Cooperative that includes 16 local libraries here in Polk County, FL.
The library is our favorite place for free indoor fun! You can explore the shelves looking for a new book to read, attend storytime, use a computer, learn something new, and so much more.
Looking for more things to do indoors? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Indoor Activities in Lakeland + Polk County. You’ll find a variety of ideas for things to do with kids including arcades, indoor play areas, museums, skating rinks, trampoline parks, and more.
HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Libraries Near You.
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Book Babies – Ages 18 months to 2 yrs old – select Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Storytime for Ages 3 to 5 yrs old – select Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
STEAM for Homeschoolers ages 8 to 12 yrs old – Select Fridays 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Visit our website for a full calendar of events – https://pclc.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/bartow
Preschool Story Hour every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00 am during the months of September to May.
Part of the Polk County Library Cooperative. The Fort Meade Library offers storytime, summer reading programs, printing, computers, and more.
See a full schedule – http://hainescity.com/calendar.aspx?CID=23,&Keywords=&startDate=&enddate=&
The Kelly Branch Library is open! Conveniently located inside the Kelly Recreation Complex at 404 Imperial Blvd., the Kelly Branch Library is Lakeland’s newest small public library branch (formerly the eLibrary at Lake Miriam, which is now closed). At this location, library users can browse and borrow from collections of popular library materials for children and adults, Get a library card, Pick up requested items in self-serve book lockers, Return materials borrowed from any public library, Access free WiFi, Print, Fax, Scan, Receive technology assistance, Check out Chromebooks for use within the facility.
Visit the Lake Alfred Library website for a schedule of upcoming events including Stories, Music, Singing, and Crafts.
Drop In Crafts – All day Monday
Tail Waggin Tutors – Monday 3-4pm
Wiggles & Giggles Toddler Story Time – ages 1-3 – Tuesday at 11am
Pokemon Card Club – Tuesday at 3:30-4:30pm
Curious Kids STEAM program – ages 4-8 – Wednesdays at 11am
Lego Mania – All day on Thursdays
The Lakeland Public Library is a member of the Polk County Library Cooperative, an inter local agreement between 13 municipalities with public libraries and the Board of County Commissioners, enabling all residents of the county, including those in the unincorporated area to have library services. Check out their fantastic programming for adults and children, including storytime, writing club for teens, children’s theatre, technology programs, summer programs, and more! Visit the website to see a full list of upcoming programs. You can also find them all on our calendar at lakelandmom.com/calendar.
The Larry Jackson Library is a branch of the Lakeland Public Library. Check out their fantastic programming for adults and children, including storytime, make & take crafts for kids, technology classes, and more! Visit the website to see a full list of upcoming programs. You can also find their kids programs on our calendar at lakelandmom.com/calendar.
Pokemon Club – select Mondays at 2:30pm
Invent It Makerspace – grades 3 & up – select Mondays from 3-4pm
Paws to Read – select Mondays at 3:30pm – kids can come read to our therapy dogs and gain confidence in yourself!
Come Art with Me – select Tuesdays at 3:30pm
Preschool Story Time – ages 3-5 – Wednesdays at 10:30
Wii Wednesdays – ages 10 & up – Wednesdays at 3pm
Visit their website for a full list of programs for Kids and TEENS! http://mulberrylibrary.com/programs/
Many programs require advance registration.
The PCLC Bookmobile operates in unincorporated Polk County and incorporated cities without public library services. The Polk County Library Cooperative’s mobile branch library will serve residents Wednesdays through Saturdays. Email bookmobile@cityoflakewales.com to be placed on the email reminder list. Click here for details and a schedule – http://www.cityoflakewales.com/337/Bmail-Bookmobile-PCLC
Preschool Story Hour – Thursday mornings at 11 a.m.
The Winter Haven Library hosts Lego Club, Little Sprouts Story Time, Minecrafters, Family Movies, Teen Activities. Visit the Winter Haven Library calendar for details.