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Category: Gift + Home Stores

Shop local at these Gift + Home Stores in Lakeland and Polk County.

HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Gift + Home Stores Near You.

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Amelia Paige Boutique & Embroidery

Apparel and Gifts you’ll find it here! Clothing, hand crafted jewelry, accessories, artisan soap and lotions, home decor an so much more! Monogramming and Embroidery services!!

Gift + Home Stores | Monogramming and Personalization
223 North Kentucky Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33801
Ashley Gibson Barnett Museum of Art (The AGB) at Florida Southern College (formerly the Polk Museum of Art)

The Ashley Gibson Barnett Museum of Art (The AGB) at Florida Southern College (formerly the Polk Museum of Art) is the largest and the only nationally accredited visual arts organization in Polk County and has been a Smithsonian Affiliate Museum since 2010. The museum offers workshops and classes for teens and adults, after school art for children, weekend workshops, spring break camp, summer camp, and the annual Mayfaire by the Lake.

Art Lessons | Art, Music + Theater Field Trips | Gift + Home Stores | Homeschool Enrichment - Arts + Crafts | Museums + Historic Field Trips | Museums + Historical Attractions | Sensory Friendly + Special Needs Activities
800 East Palmetto Street, Lakeland, Florida 33801
HoneyBeeMelon Etsy Shop

Discover the charm of Lakeland, Florida with our exclusive merch available on Etsy! From trendy tees to cozy mugs, there’s something for everyone.

Adult Apparel + Boutiques | Gift + Home Stores