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Category: Adult Sports Leagues

Softball Lakeland Florida

Adult Sports Leagues in Lakeland + Polk County

Looking for an adult sports league? Mens softball? Women’s tennis? Maybe a co-ed sport? Below you’ll find adult sports leagues in Lakeland and Polk County.

Interested in more options for sports? Check out the full Youth Sports Guide for Lakeland and Polk County. From baseball to wrestling, along with basketball, cheerleading, football, gymnastics, soccer, and everything else in between, we’re here to help you find youth sports teams in Lakeland.

HELPFUL TIP: Use the filter button (3 horizontal lines) to narrow down the list by city and/or category. All city filters are a general geographic area, check each listing address for a specific location. Use the map at the bottom to find Adult Sports Leagues Near You.

Don’t see your business listed here? Use the button below to add a Featured or Basic listing.

City of Bartow Parks & Recreation Adult Sports

The Carver Recreation Center located in Bartow, FL has an Adult Co-Ed Basketball League dedicated to giving the Polk County community a recreational, but competitive adult league that is open to anyone eighteen (18) or older. Each season is eight-weeks long and registration is available for both teams and free agents/individuals. Team jerseys, balls, and officials are provided by Bartow Parks & Recreation with games taking place every Wednesday night from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The league format is 5 v 5 , maximum of 8 players rostered with every team making the playoffs.

Adult Sports Leagues
520 Herbert Dixon Blvd, Bartow, Florida 33830
City of Lakeland Beerman Family Tennis Complex

The Beerman Family Tennis Complex has 18 lighted hard surface tennis courts and two (2) three-wall racquetball courts.  Group tennis lessons are offered for both beginner and intermediate players beginning at age 5 and continuing through adult lessons. The beginner classes teach fundamentals while the intermediate classes focuses on skill improvement.

Adult Sports Leagues | Tennis
1000 East Edgewood Drive, Lakeland, Florida 33803
Hoopsters Basketball at Heritage Baptist Chuch

Hoopsters basketball league for boys and girls ages 5-15 from Jan – March. Teams will practice one night per week and games are played on Saturday mornings. Also offering High School Varsity Basketball League, Co-Ed Volleyball and Men’s Basketball leagues.

Adult Sports Leagues | Basketball
4202 Pipkin Creek Rd, Lakeland, Florida 33811
Lakeland Runners Club + Kids Run Club

The Lakeland Runners Club promotes running and fitness for runners of all ages and abilities in the community. LRC’s activities include races of varying distance and difficulty, weekly community group runs, free youth running initiatives, and training programs that provide motivation and knowledge to set and achieve personal goals.

The LRC Kids Run Club is a running club for children to prepare them for a lifetime of running. The program is held weekly during the school year, is gender-neutral, and is designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, regardless of school affiliation. The emphasis of this program is on participation and developing a healthy lifestyle as opposed to being a competitive running program. The workouts include warmups, relays, distance runs, games, and stretching. Parents are required to stay on site for the entirety of the kids program.

The Middle School Development Program is held during the summer and is open to anyone in 5th through 8th grade regardless of school affiliation or ability level. The program is ideal for athletes looking to prepare for cross country, cross-train for another sport, or begin running for the first time.

Visit website for weekly schedules and upcoming races.

Adult Sports Leagues | Running Clubs
Southside Footy

Southside Footy is an indoor soccer facility in Lakeland, Florida offering year-round training and competition. Adult pick up games, group soccer training, one-on-one training, and rentable birthday party and private party space on the indoor soccer field.

Adult Sports Leagues | Soccer | Sports Parties
4351 Holden Road, Lakeland, Florida 33811
Sports Leagues at Church for the One (Formerly HP Sports)

Sports For The ONE exists to help people find and follow Jesus through the mission field of sports. Our goal is to love and serve kids, families and the entire community.  Offering Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, and Volleyball for ages 3 – 17, plus adult flag football, basketball, and volleyball leagues. (Formerly known as HP Sports at Highland Park Church)

Adult Sports Leagues | Basketball | Flag Football | Soccer | Toddler Sports | Volleyball
4777 Lakeland Highlands Road, Lakeland, Florida 33813