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Vacation Bible School VBS at Esperanza City Church

Updated for 2024
Camp Details

Esperanza City Church is hosting “Mega Sports Camp” Vacation Bible School! This is a free Christian camp where your child will play sports, and make new friends, all while hearing the Gospel. They will grow in confidence and leave feeling loved and encouraged.

¡Esperanza City Church está organizando la Escuela Bíblica de Verano “Mega Sports Camp”! Este es un campamento cristiano gratuito donde su hijo practicará deportes, hará nuevos amigos y todo mientras escucha el Evangelio. Su confianza crecerá y se irán sintiéndose amados y animados.

Camp Categories

Ages 5 to 12


July 9 – 13, 2024


Tues-Fri 6:30 pm – 9 pm / Sat 9 am – 1 pm

Registration Type
Weekly Sessions
Camp Location
635 N Wabash Ave, Lakeland, FL 33815, USA
City: {Click to find more camps near you}
More Info + Registration

Summer Camp Guide