Infant Massage Classes in Lakeland + Polk County
Ready to learn how to massage your new baby? These infant massage classes can help you with techniques to soothe and calm your baby.
For a more comprehensive list of resources and links to recent articles, visit our Pregnancy + New Mom Guide.
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Polk County’s only free-standing birth center, providing family-centered midwifery care during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period. Clients can choose to have a natural birth either at the center or in the comfort of their own home, or they can choose to see us for prenatal and postpartum care but deliver in the hospital of their choice. Also available: waterbirth, massage therapy, lactation support, and classes.
The Nest is a nonprofit community resource center that serves the growing families of Lakeland and its surrounding areas through lactation support and classes for pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, postpartum health, baby care, and more.