Montessori Schools in Lakeland and Polk County
Montessori education is centered on independence and self-direction. Montessori education is traditionally hands-on and encourages plenty of play and collaboration with the other kids in the class. Classrooms are often mixed-age (covering 2-3 years) and teach children how to work together and learn from each other as they master life skills.
Montessori schools can be free charter schools or private schools.
Below you’ll find K-12 Montessori schools. We have a separate list of Montessori Preschools in Lakeland and Polk County.
Don’t miss our full Education Guide – it includes information on Polk County public schools, tutoring and test prep, colleges, scholarship programs, and more.
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Cypress Junction Montessori is a quality preschool and K-8 charter school in Winter Haven. Cypress Junction serves students in K-8th grade under the charter as a free public charter school that offers an authentic Montessori education. Preschool offers full & half day options, and accepts VPK vouchers, the ELC’s School Readiness Funding, & offers scholarships through our Early Learning Scholarship Fund.
Lakeland Montessori Schoolhouse and Lakeland Montessori Middle are Polk County Charter Schools serving children age 3 through 8th Grade. It is our mission to facilitate the well-rounded, advanced and challenging authentic Montessori curriculum that instills a sense of wonder and awareness about the universe and the child’s place within that universe. We wish to provide an educational environment that sparks curiosity and nurtures a love of learning along with teaching the skills to succeed academically.
Mi Escuela Montessori is a tuition-free, K-8 public charter school in Polk County, Florida, and also has The Children’s House (Casa) preschool for children ages 3–6 (sliding scale tuition). Mi Escuela Montessori fuses two well-researched and innovative approaches to education: the educational program developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and the two-way, dual-language immersion program advocated by most language learning experts.
Winter Haven Montessori serves students ages infants to 3rd grade and offers VPK classes both morning and afternoon. Dedicated to providing a challenging educational environment in which each child is empowered to grow to his/her fullest potential academically, emotionally, physically and socially at each stage of development.