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Simplifi EDU


Every day, we hear from parents like you who have middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students who are struggling to meet the expectations of classrooms with a one-size-fits-all approach to education.

It’s not that your student isn’t capable of engaging with the material they are learning, but rather that there’s something missing from the classroom. Whether it’s the lack of personalized instruction, poor explanation of a topic, boring delivery of information, a bad relationship with the teacher, or a lack of support systems for a student with learning differences, it all becomes your problem as a parent trying to help your student excel in education and life.

We understand how much you care about your child and their future. That’s why we’ve spent the last decade perfecting our ability to deliver a best-in-class online tutoring, test prep, and college admissions experience for your student. Whether your child is struggling with the fundamentals of Algebra, taking their first honors Chem class, prepping for an AP Biology exam, or trying to achieve a perfect score on the SAT…We can help!

If you’re worried that online tutoring won’t meet your student’s needs, we’ve upgraded our online tutoring experience so that students can use iPads and Apple Pencils to hand-write their answers and interact with tutors in real time. Using the best online tutoring technologies available we’ve surpassed what’s possible within in-person tutoring.

Learn How Simplifi EDU Tutoring Works Here:

Getting started with online tutoring with us is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Give us a call, or book a call with one of our tutor coordinators and we’ll spend some time together getting an understanding of your student’s needs, academic background, and what we can do to help them.
2. Sit back and let us work our match-making magic. We’ll need a day or two to find a couple of great tutor matches for you based on your student’s academic needs, availability, personality, and learning style.
3. We finalize your tutoring match, and you pick a start date to begin regular weekly tutoring appointments at the same day and time each week with the same tutor.

Our Guarantee: We promise to find the perfect match for your student from our tutoring team of over 60 tutors! If you feel that the tutor we’ve assigned after carefully listening to your needs is not the right fit for your student, let us know, and we’ll find a tutor who is. Not only that, your next session with us is on the house!

Rather than allow your student to struggle or feel like they aren’t cut out to be good at math and science or write a well-crafted essay, we urge you to find a tutor who can meet your student where they are and mentor them on the road to higher education. Finding the right tutor today can make all the difference in your student’s life tomorrow. Let us help your student reach their full potential.

Book a call with one of our private tutor coordinators today!

Special Offers for Lakeland Mom Readers

Lakeland Mom Readers Exclusive Offer: 15% off the first month of tutoring with code LKLD15

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