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Have you ever found yourself looking for something fun to do with your family and searching the internet looking all over for info?

Do you get overwhelmed trying to figure out what options exist for sports programs, art classes, childcare, pediatricians, special needs resources, summer camp, and all the other kid related activities?

Do you get tired of hearing {or thinking} “I’m bored, I wish there was something fun to do today?”

Have you ever heard about a great event after it was over and wished you had known before so you could have gone?

Lakeland Mom was started in the fall of 2015 to solve all of these issues. My vision was to create a resource for Lakeland (FL) area families to find information related to kids and parenting IN ONE PLACE!

And while the name is Lakeland Mom, we also welcome dads, grandparents, babysitters, aunts & uncles, and anyone else looking for local resources! The idea for Lakeland Mom was born in the spring of 2015 when I started searching for summer camp idea for my boys and couldn’t find a list of options anywhere.  I was already passionate about connecting people with local resources. I also love to share great deals. And it makes me SO happy to see people enjoying fun community events with their families.

We are now in our 10th year and have Lakeland’s most comprehensive family calendar, a popular Facebook page, an active Facebook Group, local Guides to help you find local businesses and organizations serving families, frequent giveaways, a list of resources and tips for parents that continues to grow daily, a huge Summer Camp Guide, and seasonal information for family-fun in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Christmas.

More About April Mucci – the Mom behind Lakeland Mom
Owner & Editor

Rockefeller Christmas Tree 2022 Lakeland Mom (1)

Although technically I was just under 2 years old when my family moved to Lakeland, I consider myself a proud Lakeland native since I’ve lived here for 30 years. Even during the few years I spent living in other cities, my family and my heart (and many weekends) were still here in Lakeland.

I went to college at Furman University in Greenville, S.C and spent six years right after college in Tallahassee working in politics as Chief Legislative Aide to a State Senator.  While living in Tallahassee I got a Master’s in Political Science from Florida State (GO NOLES). Somewhere in there I met a boy, got married (here in Lakeland of course) and started a family.

We moved back to Polk County in 2008 just before our oldest son was born because this is where we wanted to raise our children. I couldn’t help but jump back into the Lakeland community once we were settled here, and my most recent job was at Polk Vision as Program Coordinator for Leadership Polk, where I got to travel across Polk County and really see the gems that our community has to offer. You’ll see many of those great places listed here!

I met my husband Matt in Tallahassee, and we have two boys, ages 16 and 14. We love to travel, we love calling Lakeland home, and hope that through this website you’ll find even more to love about the Lakeland area as well!