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New Pregnancy and Newborn Care App from Lakeland Regional Health

Lakeland Regional Health Pregnancy App

Do you ever find yourself thinking “I wish that {insert really cool thing here} existed when I was {younger / pregnant / a new mom} .”

The brand new Lakeland Regional Health Pregnancy and Newborn Care App falls into the “Things I Wish Existed When I Was Pregnant” category.

When I was pregnant I had a LOT of questions… I feel like I spent 9 months wondering what in the world was going on with my body, and then 9+ months figuring out how to care for a brand new baby. Having all that information easily available at my fingertips would have been so helpful!

We are excited that pregnant moms and new parents in Central Florida can now access a wealth of information on your phone or tablet through the free Pregnancy and Newborn Care App from Lakeland Regional Health.

The app is divided into Prenatal Care, Labor & Birth, Postpartum Care, Breastfeeding, Formula Feeding, Newborn Care and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and each section has written content and short videos full of helpful information.

Some of the tools in the app include the tracking of contractions, kick counts, newborn feedings, baby’s measurements and children’s immunizations. The app even offers expectant and new moms the ability to create Journal Entries.

We spent some time exploring the app and it is FILLED with helpful information. {I can already picture moms using it when they think of a question after a kick from the baby wakes them in the middle of the night!}

While the app doesn’t replace appointments and personalized advice from your trusted local obstetric provider, it is a great way to read pregnancy and newborn care tips in between appointments from a reliable source.

Here is how to access the new Pregnancy and Newborn Care App from Lakeland Regional Health:

  1. Click here to Register {Don’t skip this step – this how you get access}
  2. Check your email for your User ID and temporary password
  3. Find the app on the Google Play or the App Store – the app is powered by YoMingo® and is free (those links take you straight there – if you’re searching, be sure to search YoMingo, NOT Lakeland Regional Health)
  4. Sign in and start exploring!

“We are pleased to expand the educational offerings we provide to the women and families in our community,” said Lori Shea, Lakeland Regional Health Associate Vice President, Women’s and Children’s Services. “Being pregnant is a time of excitement and curiosity, and the volume of websites and apps offering pregnancy and parenting advice can sometimes be overwhelming. As a trusted source of women’s and children’s care in the community, Lakeland Regional Health’s new app provides expectant parents with a reliable and convenient space to access evidence-based tips and care.”

Pregnancy + New Mom Guide

Check out our Pregnancy + New Mom Guide for Lakeland and Polk County to find OB/GYN doctors, midwives, hospitals, high-risk providers, and other resources for pregnancy and childbirth, plus information for brand new moms.